When we finish giving birth to others…we have an opportunity to re-birth ourselves During our fourth decade, our hormones begin to shift and they can cause an array of subtle-to-disruptive changes in our menstrual cycles which impact our fertility, sexuality, relationships, and mental health. In the same way, that bad period pain is the body’s clue to alert us that something is “out of balance” and begging for attention, so too the changes during peri-menopause. Whatever we experience in our bodies, minds and spirits- is the body’s innate intelligence- asking us to wake up and pay attention. Preparing for “midlife” is not about avoiding and denying the changes that we will all go through; preparing for midlife is accepting and even embracing the fact that life is change and what we resist or ignore only leads to stress and suffering down the line. Reaching the fourth and fifth decades presents an awesome opportunity to reflect on what is important, so you can harness your energies and intentions for the journey inward and begin the radical task of self-care. Dr. Christiane Northrup once said that menopause is a lot like pregnancy, but instead of giving birth to another person- you actually give birth to yourself, to a new you. This interactive workshop is designed for women who want knowledge, tools, and support for planning and navigating the next decade, and who are ready to:
- Re-frame the peri-menopause and beyond as a catalyst for personal transformation (rather than a “medical” issue you wait for and that someone else will “fix.”
- Re-examine priorities and life goals to make changes, because change doesn’t happen on its own
- Open up to new ideas, attitudes, and wisdom about what “mid-life” really means
- Take stock of their relationships- including the one with their bodies
- Take responsibility for creating and manifesting health and well-being
- Connect with their “womb wisdom” and intuition
We use storytelling, writing, sharing, info teaching (w/ ppt, readings, and handouts), reflection, and experiential exercises to:
- Uncover the many layers and meanings of hormonal transition leading to menopause
- Identify your hormonal shifts and how they are manifesting in your body-mind and life
- Create a new template/map for navigating the lifestyle changes you want to make
- Discover the many body-mind treatment approaches (in conventional and complementary medicine) that will support you on this journey toward wholeness and increase your capacity to engage in self-care
The workshop is built around ten health-related themes
- Menstruation and the menstrual cycle
- Fertility
- Hormones and contraception
- Listening to the body
- Sex and sexuality
- Spirit, creativity, and meaning
- Emotions, stress, and mental health
- Relationships
- Overall health + signs and symptoms of peri-menopausal change
- Medical care, health care, and self-care
The workshop
- Is divided into four group sessions, three hours each, approximately 3 weeks apart, on zoom.
- Includes one 45 minute consultation/counseling session with the facilitator.
- Is offered based on demand.
- Requires a minimum of seven participants. Since demand is sporadic, the best way to ensure the workplace takes place is by organizing a group of friends, colleagues, or co-workers. This also gives added value to the experience.
Cost: NIS 600 / USD 180 per person.
Registration and Payments
Schedule a Consulting Session
A date for the session will be coordinated by phone after you complete the payment and registration.
Payment and Registration
- Payments are processed securely via bank transfer or PayPal.
- Before registering, please fill out the health form.
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